About Us
Our Aims and Objectives
a Provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole community in the sport of rowing.
b Provide all its services to members in a way that is fair and equal to everyone.
c Offer coaching and competitive opportunities in rowing
d Ensure a duty of care to all members of the Club
We row Cornish pilot gigs, flash boats and skiffs on the Camel estuary in North Cornwall and we compete around the county in all of these boats.
New members are always welcome- you may want to get involved in the competitive teams or just enjoy the leisurely club rows and social life. Whatever your age, fitness or experience come along and give it a go, we are sure that you will enjoy it as much as us!
In May/June we hold our own regatta at Daymer Bay where we invite over 20 clubs to take part on the stunning Camel Estuary. It is an event for all the family to come and watch and enjoy a BBQ on the beach.
We train all through the year and compete at regattas from March to September each year and our teams go to the Scillies to the World Championships each year . We are always looking for competitive men and ladies who would like to be trained up and become part of our teams as well as enjoying a great social life within the club. Our teams include Mens, Ladies, Vets (40+) and Super Vets (50+).
The club is fortunate to have 2 fully qualified coaches, with more than enough assistant coaches.
All our coxswains have attended a course and have their level one certificate. They have a good local knowledge and are responsible for your wellbeing and safety.
All Coxswains and Coaches involved with our juniors have got a current DBS check.
Please contact our Welfare Officer or Safety officers should you have any queries.
Our committee runs the Club in line with our constitution, which is in line with the guidelines of the CPGA and CRA (Cornish Rowing Association)